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When GameFi meets AI
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Join us for 'When GameFI meets AI as top web3 leaders come together to explore the intersection of gaming and artificial intelligence

📅 15th May 2023

⏲ 6.30pm - 9.30pm

6:30 - 7:00pm: Event Registration + Intro to House Rule

7:00 - 7:05pm: Opening Speech

7:05 - 7:10pm: Introduction of Moledao

7:10 - 7:30pm: Keynote: Generative AI for Web3

7:30 - 8:10pm: Panel One - Exploring the future of gaming: Web 3 and the Outlook for Innovation

8:10 - 8:50pm: Panel Two - The Future of AI in Web 3 Gaming: Opportunities and Challenges

8:50 - 9:30pm: Networking Session

📌Vanguard Building, Level 2, 71 Stamford Road. S178895