Stay safe, happy, healthy, wealthy with Web3 Mastermind
2/ Who should join?
Preferably college aged students and yuppies 18+ - early 30s. Women welcome. Berkeley Stanford SCU UCSC City college students are alright
Elders mentors and accredited investors can give presentations and lectures via Zoom conference calls video chats
3/ What will you do at your events?
Hiking, hill climbing group summits, leading reading circles, chapter parties for 100+ investment books, deep conversations about what Web3 startups and investments are interesting / 1% - 1,000% outsized growth potentials!
0/ Where is Locations? Activities?
We will participate in investment book party chapters, video conferencing recording on youtube and Zoom, and monthly hikes
Public venues, mountain trails, bookstores, coffee shops, creeks downtown, near by closer to your convenience location
For instance the hiking at Mission Peak is publicly 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont Stanford Ave