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The Staking Summit
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Proof of Stake Unites.

The era of Proof of Stake has begun following the Ethereum merge. The staking ecosystem comes together to give Proof of Stake a unified voice and discuss where the $110 Billion Dollar industry goes next!

2 Days, 1 Room. Unlimited Connections.

Working in staking can be frustrating. Conferences are either bloated with topics, people or focused on one ecosystem. Long days with minimal relevance. We know your time is valuable. Imagine you could meet all staking-related contacts and projects in 1 room for 2 days.

All PoS Contacts. In One Place.

The Staking Summit allows you to learn, collaborate, and network with the entire staking industry – from Validators, Protocols, Institutions, and everyone else working on PoS blockchain infrastructure. A highly-targeted, curated audience of 1000+ Proof of Stake contributors.