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LBANK Crypto Friday Vibes 週五加密夜
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Join us for an unforgettable evening with live band, food and unlimited drinks !


LBANK is here to bring you the latest hot topics and wealthy opportunities in the spotlight with crypto-native attendees including leaders, operators, builders, institutions, and investors from the ecosystem's most innovative and creative organizations. This event is supported by Encryptus, LBANK Labs and Blockcast


About Us:LBank, a leading global crypto trading exchange invites top startup teams to LBank family by providing targeted capital and resources. Backed by LBank, a leading global digital asset exchange, LBank Labs strives to invest and incubate top teams with clear vision, strong technical aptitude and solid execution capabilities primarily in the crypto space. LBank Labs offers support and guidance throughout the capital life cycle from initial investment to maturity. Portfolio companies get instant access to an international network of resources, including software developers, marketing experts, crypto traders and community influencers. In addition to our venture capital arm, we have a separate hedge fund team.

For more information, please visit

全球加密貨幣交易平台LBank Exchange(成立於2015年,是一個擁有NFA、MSB、加拿大MSB牌照以及在意大利VASP註冊的頂級平台,為全球用戶提供安全、專業、便捷的產品和服務。這些產品和服務包括加密貨幣交易、衍生品、Staking和LBank Labs投資。

目前,LBank Exchange支援超過150種貨幣,包括美元、歐元、英鎊、日元、韓元、加幣、澳幣、盧布、印度盧比、阿聯酋迪拉姆等。用戶可以購買BTC、ETH和USDT等主要數字資產,並從100多種支付方式中選擇,包括MasterCard、Visa、Google Pay、Apple Pay、銀行轉帳等。


俄羅斯 加拿大 塞爾維亞 日本 美國 阿聯酋 巴基斯坦 薩爾瓦多 突尼斯 土耳其 韓國 巴西 印度 越南 菲律賓 尼日利亞 肯尼亞 澳大利亞 印度尼西亞


亞洲 歐洲 北美 非洲 南美 大洋洲


日交易量 15億美元

註冊用戶數量 900萬

已上架交易對數量 800+

