First of all, welcome to the club! Launching your own crypto project can be a daunting and overwhelming process if you're attempting to do it all yourself. The fact is that most crypto launches fail at the first hurdle, or don't get very far at all. Or if you decide to enlist the services of a professional firm, it'll typically cost you anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 per launch. Some teams and investors have even poured in anywhere from $500,000 to $10,000,000 capital to launch their projects. The reality is that unless you have that sort of capital to burn, you're going to need to overcome those doubts and fears that are holding you back, and learn the exact strategies and formulas to take decisive action and make your launch a reality.
If that sounds like you, then this pilot is for you.
'Launch Your Crypto' is a global pilot weekend program for Aspiring Crypto Entrepreneurs to overcome the fears and doubts of running their own project, and to learn how to actually launch their own crypto projects in one short and sweet weekend, without needing to rob a bank, become a computer supernerd, or sell your soul to the crypto devils.