Problems like this will not solve themselves! The more you try to avoid confronting this kind of problems, the more this kind of problems grow and they grow exponentially! The more you try to run away from this kind of problems, the more they chase you!!!
"Short term pain but long term pleasure", or, "short term pleasure but long term pain", which one do you want?
Do you have a reality based understanding and hence solution to your challenges?
Is the troublemaker actually being rewarded, intentionally or unintentionally, by individuals or by the system in place, for their counterproductive activities?
Are you actually rewarding troublemakers and their trouble-making activities? And you are not aware of it?
Are you aware of the fact that bad employees are playing dirty, unethical games, on the rest of your team? on you? on your business? For their own unethical selfish reasons? And they get a kick out of it?
What are some of the typical unethical con games, bad employees play, on your, and the rest of the team?
How to sum up your courage to do what's emotionally difficult?
What's the harm, to the rest of your team, if you don't discipline and terminate bad employees?
What's the harm, to you personally, if you don't discipline and terminate bad employees?
Do you have deep insight, into the "Victim mindset"?
By not disciplining and terminating, are you really helping the bad employee?
How to get your good performers to help you? How to get those sitting on the fence to want to come to your side?
When not to use training and coaching. Examples of "useless waste of time training".
What if your biggest troublemaker is also your best performer?
What if you don't have firing authority?
How to get HR to speed things up?