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Hanoi Leadership: Delegation Skills for Busy Leaders - Why & How
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You are the boss now - you won't succeed if you don't delegate as much as possible:

You are the Leader. You are the boss. You are an employer. You are busy. You are always busy. You have more responsibilities than others, but you don't get more than 24 hours. How do you get more bang for your buck, out of the same 24 hours?

Have you ever seen the General Manager of a 5 star hotel, making beds? Is making beds the best use of the General Manager's time? Which task generates more value and hence profit, for the hotel and the individual?

Have you ever seen the 747 pilot, coming to the back of the plane, and serve passengers coffee? Is serving coffee the best use of the 747 pilot's time? Which task generates more value and hence profit? for the airline, and the individual?

Have you ever seen the CEO of a major airline, flying the 747? Is flying the 747 the best use of the CEO's time? Which task generates more value, and hence profit? For the business, and the individual?

That's why you need to Master the skill of Delegation!

However, when it comes to "Delegation", many managers and business owners feel:

"By the time I explained everything to my employees, I could've done it, all by myself, 3 times already!"

"After they screw everything up, who has to go back in there, re-do the whole thing again? Poor Ole ME! What a waste of my time!"

"Didn't they tell ya: 'If you want it done right, you do it - YOURSELF!' ???"

"I don't like it when they accuse me of 'Not Pulling My Own Weight'!"

"I hate it, when they accuse me of 'Playing Favoritism'!"

The above are all excellent ways to think - before you had employees. If you are an expert, and you wish to remain an expert, doing the hands on work, then the above way is the way you should be thinking.

But you are no longer just a hands on expert anymore, you have employees now, you are now an employer. You need to acquire a whole new set of thinking!