Fugare is again getting ready for the ultimate international pigeon meeting of the year, with exhibitors and visitors from over 15 countries. No less than over 100 (!) suppliers will be presenting their novelties.
Pigeon feed and pigeon supplement manufacturers will be present to promote their latest developments. Loft and aviary builders from the Benelux region will be sharing their knowhow with the visitors. Information about DNA and genetic advice can be sought from various veterinarians present at the fair. Also conveyor belts, luggage carriers, young pigeon lofts, widowers’ lofts, heating systems, drinking systems, you name it. You can find it all at Fugare.
On top of that, Fugare also presents more than 10 one loft races that lighten up the international fair with award ceremonies of races from all over the world: Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Spain, Romania, Tenerife and Portugal!
Finally, the fair also gathers a number of top fanciers and breeding centres at the fair including Gino Clique, Annemie Vanhee, Marc and Geert Polin, Emiel Denys, Depasse Lardenoye and Joël Verschoot.