The 3 major benefits you will enjoy, if you delegated more.
What's in it for your employees, if you delegated more?
What's in it for the business, if you delegated more?
What tasks and or projects should you be delegating to which employee? and why?
What if your employee turns you down?
How to make sure the task and or project is done correctly?
What if you don't feel you can trust your employee?
By "helping your employees", are you really "helping" them? or are you actually harming them?
If you can see they are about to make a mistake, should you jump in there?
Under what circumstances, should you jump in there, and get your hands dirty again?
What do you must do, after each and every time, you had to jump in there, and got your hands dirty?
What if your employees accuse you of "Not Pulling Your Own Weight?"
What if your employees accuse you of "Playing Favoritism"?
What are the 5 things that you should never ever delegate?