Sponsorship application For
CAAW 2023
The 2nd International Cryptoasset Analytics Workshop (CAAW) brings together researchers from different academic disciplines to present their newest findings related to cryptoassets and their ecosystems; learn about novel analytics methods spanning all layers (P2P network, consensus, on-chain, off-chain); and discuss open challenges and possible future directions. Since cryptoasset analytics has become relevant across disciplines, we envision this workshop as an interdisciplinary venue, also connecting to cross-cutting issues related to law, ethics, privacy, and security.
The program of CAAW 2023 workshop (co-located with TheWebConf2023) features a mix of invited talks and a selection of peer-reviewed research contributions. Workshop topics range from empirical studies, over analytics methods and tools, to case studies, datasets, and cross-cutting issues like legal or ethical aspects. Scientists and professionals from all disciplines and sectors are invited to share their knowledge and experience in this niche intersection of Cryptoassets and Analytics through this workshop, as well as in the future iterations of CAAW.